Le pompe di alimentazione della serie VP sono pompe a cilindrata fissa, a bassa rumorosità e a corsa singola, con esecuzione a celle a palette.
L'utilizzo di una staffa ammortizzata (PT) riduce il livello di rumorosità.
• Pompa con staffa e giunto (VPB)
• A scelta con motore montato su flangia (VPBM)
• Esecuzione a basso rumore
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Pressione: max 16 barPortata: 5-200 l/min
Elementi prodotti raggruppati
VPB-3/1.0/P/132/ 70
No. materiale 3013885
ogni 1 PCE
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VPBM-3/1.0/P/132/ 70/5.5/690-50
No. materiale 3013888
ogni 1 PCE
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
No. materiale 3023214
ogni 1 PCE
Aggiungi alla mia lista
Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
VPBM-3/1.0/V/100/ 70/2.2/400-50
No. materiale 3038274
ogni 1 PCE
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
No. materiale 3040114
ogni 1 PCE
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
No. materiale 3048212
ogni 1 PCE
Aggiungi alla mia lista
Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
No. materiale 3063005
ogni 1 PCE
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
No. materiale 3063018
ogni 1 PCE
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
No. materiale 3063019
ogni 1 PCE
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
No. materiale 3075039
ogni 1 PCE
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
No. materiale 3075040
ogni 1 PCE
Aggiungi alla mia lista
Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
No. materiale 3075041
ogni 1 PCE
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
No. materiale 3128555
ogni 1 PCE
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
No. materiale 3134098
ogni 1 PCE
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
No. materiale 3134099
ogni 1 PCE
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
No. materiale 3186053
ogni 1 PCE
Aggiungi alla mia lista
Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
No. materiale 3186054
ogni 1 PCE
Aggiungi alla mia lista
Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
No. materiale 3186229
ogni 1 PCE
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
No. materiale 3186230
ogni 1 PCE
Aggiungi alla mia lista
Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
No. materiale 3191208
ogni 1 PCE
Aggiungi alla mia lista
Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.


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Feed Pumps Low-Noise Series
Opuscolo prodotto IT

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Feed Pumps Low-Noise Series
Opuscolo prodotto EN

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