HFS 250 – ottone, precisione ≤±10, acqua, refrigerante

  • Principio di galleggiamento con design a Y per
  • acqua e refrigerante
  • Bassa perdita di pressione
  • Può essere installato in qualsiasi orientamento
  • Disponibile in due misure
  • Precisione ≤10% FS
  • Uscita di commutazione con separazione galvanica
  • Display
  • Nessun magnete nel fluido – nessun accumulo di chip ferromagnetici
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HFS 255-1S-025-7-B-1-000
No. materiale 926983
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HFS 256-1S-025-7-B-1-000
No. materiale 926984
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HFS 255-1W-025-7-B-1-000
No. materiale 926985
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HFS 256-1W-025-7-B-1-000
No. materiale 926986
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HFS 255-1S-100-7-B-1-000
No. materiale 926987
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HFS 256-1S-100-7-B-1-000
No. materiale 926988
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HFS 255-1W-100-7-B-1-000
No. materiale 926989
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HFS 256-1W-100-7-B-1-000
No. materiale 926990
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HFS 256-1S-100-7-B-1-000-F1
No. materiale 928248
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.


Impossibile trovare dati CAD al livello categoria prodotto, ma è possibile trovarli direttamente a un livello di prodotto singolo.
HFS 250/2500 User manual D/E
Istruzioni operative/di manutenzione EN

(0.45 MB)