Fascette di fissaggio con console

La fascia per telaio viene usata per montare accumulatori, filtri, contenitori aria, serbatoio d'olio, piccoli motori elettrici, fasci di cavi e tubi flessibili e altri oggetti cilindrici. Nella versione modificata, è particolarmente adeguata per elevati carichi dinamici, stress termici, variazioni di diametro ed elevati effetti di forza. Può anche essere installata in maniera veloce ed efficiente, il che la rende di facile utilizzo.
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HyRac 100-105/106 H3 ST
No. materiale 444904
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HyRac 133-142/142 H3 ST
No. materiale 444907
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HyRac 160-167/169 H5 ST
No. materiale 444910
Aggiungi alla mia lista
Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HyRac 92-95/96 ST
No. materiale 445040
Aggiungi alla mia lista
Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HyRac 176-185/187 H5 ST
No. materiale 445044
Aggiungi alla mia lista
Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HyRac 106-114/115 H3 ST
No. materiale 444905
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HyRac 121-129/133 H8 ST
No. materiale 444906
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HyRac 143-151/151 H3 ST
No. materiale 444908
Aggiungi alla mia lista
Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HyRac 152-159/160 H3 ST
No. materiale 444909
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HyRac 62-65/65 ST
No. materiale 445037
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HyRac 73-76/76 ST
No. materiale 445038
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HyRac 96-100/100 ST
No. materiale 445041
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HyRac 110-118/124 H10 ST
No. materiale 445042
Aggiungi alla mia lista
Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HyRac 167-175/178 H5 ST
No. materiale 445043
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HyRac 209-217/223 H10 ST
No. materiale 445046
Aggiungi alla mia lista
Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HyRac 216-224/226 H5 ST
No. materiale 445047
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Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HyRac 223-230/231 H3 ST
No. materiale 445048
Aggiungi alla mia lista
Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HyRac 225-234/234 H3 ST
No. materiale 445049
Aggiungi alla mia lista
Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HyRac 89-92/93 ST
No. materiale 445039
Aggiungi alla mia lista
Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.
HRVMS 3 R 268-279/276 ST
No. materiale 3559057
Nastro ø - D [mm]:
268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279
Isolamento del nastro di serraggio:
Con isolamento
Larghezza nastro [mm]:
Versione con/senza supporto:
Con supporto
Aggiungi alla mia lista
Note: In the "My List" section, you can remember products and request them.