PFFL – Process Filter Fuel Liquid

PFFL – Process Filter Fuel Liquid

Particle filtration for alternative fuels in the navy, such as: Methanol (MeOH), ammonia (NH3) and LPG and LNG



  • Suitable for use in fuel gas supply systems, fuel supply systems with low flash points, gas valve units or gas valve drives
  • Operating pressures up to 400 bar
  • Operating temperatures from -100°C up to +250°C
  • Filtration ratings of up to 0.1 µm absolute
  • Filter elements made from Chemicron® metal fibre fleece or wire mesh


  • Compact design
  • Large filter area thank to optimal filtration layer design
  • Cleanable filter material
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Gas Filters. Product Overview.
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Gas Filters. Product Overview.
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