S – suction element
Depending on the version, the suction filter element can be either screwed into the suction line or simply mounted on the outside of the tank.
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S – suction element
0015 S 075 W /-W
Material-No. 1261776
0070 SHB 125 W
Material-No. 1268102
0015 S 125 W /-W
Material-No. 1277547
0180 S 125 W /-W
Material-No. 1277548
0050 S 125 W /-W
Material-No. 1277549
0110 SHB 125 W
Material-No. 1285725
0060 SHB 125 W
Material-No. 1285726
0060 SUI 125 W
Material-No. 1285727
0040 SGC 125 W
Material-No. 1285728
0070 SGD 125 W
Material-No. 1285729
0070 SUI 125 W
Material-No. 1318550
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SF/SFM/SFF S/S.. Suction Filter and Suction Filter Elements
Product brochure
(0.8 MB)
SF/SFM/SFF Suction filter
Spare parts list
(0.61 MB)