The ConditionSensor Interface CSI-C-11 is used to convert digital sensor signals (Hydac Sensor Interface HSI) into a network protocol (HSI TCP/IP or Modbus® TCP), which can be transmitted both via LAN and W-LAN to various terminals (e.g. smartphones). Furthermore, the CSI-C-11 can be used as a data logger.
- Two input channels for HYDAC SMART sensors
- Direct connection of the sensors via M12x1 connectors
- Network connection via M12 socket
- Wireless transfer and display of measured sensor values via W-LAN and FluMoS / FluMoS mobile
- Measured data storage in CSI-C-11 with date and time (data logger)
- Parametrisation of the interface possible with W-LAN and FluMoS mobile
- High protection class with IP 66 – no switch cabinet is required
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Material-No. 4066011
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CSI-C-11 ConditionSensor Interface
Product brochure
(1.23 MB)