Autonomous actuators
Autonomous actuators are working machines for the performance of linear movements of all kinds for forces of up to 250 kN. They combine cylinder, drive and control in a compact design. Their special modular system enables numerous versions to be put together, with any installation position. With the installed hydraulic accumulator, emergency functions can be performed even in the event of power failure.
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Material-No. 4375611
Stellantrieb SE3-HP-390-41-415V/ATEX*
Material-No. 4490504
Stellantrieb SE1-HP-180-21-415V/ATEX*
Material-No. 4492903
Stellantrieb SG7-HP-500 35 230/400V ATEX
Material-No. 4551445
Stellantrieb HFS8-HP-500-50/73-SO
Material-No. 4582870
Stellantrieb HFS5-HP-850-16/33-380V-*
Material-No. 4602438
Stellantr. SE3-HP-570-51-460V-60Hz-G110
Material-No. 4639164
HFS 9-1100-22/44-380V/50Hz G24NZ4
Material-No. 4640355
Material-No. 4704585
Stellantr. SE3-HP-600-73-400V-50Hz-G24
Material-No. 4730420
Stellantrieb HFS10-650-12/18-500V-50Hz
Material-No. 4770825