Return line suction elements
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Return line suction elements
0201 RK 015 MM /-V
Material-No. 1272264
0151 RK 010 MM /-V
Material-No. 1272265
0151 RK 015 MM /-V
Material-No. 1272266
0080 RK 015 MM
Material-No. 1273886
0080 RK 010 MM
Material-No. 1274627
0800 RK 010 MM /-V
Material-No. 1276502
0100 RK 015 MM /-V
Material-No. 1278692
0120 RK 010 MM
Material-No. 1286822
0120 RK 015 MM
Material-No. 1293109
0080 RK 010 MM /-SFREE
Material-No. 1308831
0201 RK 010 MM /-SFREE
Material-No. 1318458
0807 RK 010 MM
Material-No. 1329369
0407 RK 010 MM
Material-No. 1329475
0407 RK 015 MM
Material-No. 1329617
0807 RK 015 MM
Material-No. 1335483
CAD data can't be found at the product category level, but directly on the individual products.
Innovative Element Technology for installation in HYDAC filters - QuickSelection
Product brochure
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