Analysis instruments

Our HYDAC analysis devices are utilised in particular where processes are to be analysed and optimised professionally in the context of a Contamination Management (cleanliness management) from the point of view of the cleanliness of components, systems and the fluids used.

Our FluidControl Unit FCU is used as a portable service instrument for the measurement of solid particle contamination in hydraulic and lubrication systems.
The measured values are recorded by means of infrared technology and output in accordance with ISO 4406, SAE 4059 and NAS 1638.
Thanks to their compact design, the FCU are suitable for utilisation in hydraulic and lubrication systems, for maintenance, at test facilities, for the analysis of both sample bottles and tanks.

You can use our HYDAC component analysis devices to check the technical cleanliness of your products.
Using wet sampling, the component surface is cleaned, the adhering contamination is flushed off and conveyed per diaphragm to a later evaluation.

Our FluidSampling Set FES is used for the static and dynamic gathering of oil samples from hydraulic and lubrication systems.
All of our hire equipment is suitable for analysis fluid. Suitability for other fluids must be checked in individual cases.
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