HFS 2500 - messing, rustfrit stål, nøjatighed ≤±10, vand, kølemiddel

  • Flydeprincip til vand og smøremiddel
  • Kan installeres i en hvilken som helst retning
  • Fire størrelser
  • Præcision ≤5 % eller ± ≤10 % FS
  • Galvaniseret isoleret kontaktudgang
  • Ekstraudstyr:
    • Display
    • Sekundær kontaktudgang
    • Eksplosionssikre anvendelser
  • Search Bar : $SL-1000063709 [1000505459] [dk]
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Grupperede produkter
HFS 2535-1S-01,0-0014-6-B-1-000
Materialenummer 921675
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HFS 2556-1W-0010-0030-7-B-0-000
Materialenummer 921719
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HFS 2536-1S-08,0-0030-7-B-0-000
Materialenummer 921743
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HFS 2531-1S-00,2-04,0-6-B-0-A00
Materialenummer 921775
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HFS 2535-1W-01,0-0014-6-B-1-000
Materialenummer 921777
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HFS 2536-1S-04,0-0020-7-B-0-000
Materialenummer 921781
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HFS 2536-1W-04,0-0020-7-B-0-000
Materialenummer 921836
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HFS 2556-1W-0015-0045-7-B-0-000
Materialenummer 921837
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HFS 2556-1W-0030-0090-7-B-0-000
Materialenummer 921838
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HFS 2535-1S-04,0-0020-7-B-0-000
Materialenummer 922009
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HFS 2536-1W-04,0-0020-7-B-1-000
Materialenummer 922040
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HFS 2535-1W-04,0-0020-7-B-0-000
Materialenummer 922041
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HFS 2555-1W-0015-0045-7-B-0-000
Materialenummer 922042
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HFS 2556-1W-01,0-0070-6-B-0-000
Materialenummer 922077
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HFS 2555-1S-0010-0030-7-B-0-000
Materialenummer 922118
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HFS 2535-1W-01,0-0014-6-S-1-000
Materialenummer 922196
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HFS 2545-1S-02,0-0040-6-B-0-000
Materialenummer 922286
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HFS 2535-1S-02,0-07,0-7-B-0-000
Materialenummer 922307
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HFS 2536-1S-00,4-01,8-7-B-0-000
Materialenummer 922312
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HFS 2536-1S-00,8-03,2-7-B-0-000
Materialenummer 922313
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CAD-data findes ikke på produktkategoriniveauet. De kan i stedet findes direkte på et individuelt produktnivau.
HFS 2500 ATEX User manual D/E
Betjenings-/vedligeholdelsesvejledninger DA

(16.68 MB)

HFS 2500 ATEX User manual D/E
Betjenings-/vedligeholdelsesvejledninger EN

(16.68 MB)

HFS 250/2500 User manual D/E
Betjenings-/vedligeholdelsesvejledninger DA

(0.45 MB)

HFS 250/2500 User manual D/E
Betjenings-/vedligeholdelsesvejledninger EN

(0.45 MB)

HFS 2500 Flow Switch for water / water-based media
Produktbrochure DA

(1.35 MB)

HFS 2500 Flow Switch for water / water-based media
Produktbrochure EN

(1.35 MB)

HFS 2500 Flow Switch Ex applications ATEX for water / water-based media
Produktbrochure DA

(0.83 MB)

HFS 2500 Flow Switch Ex applications ATEX for water / water-based media
Produktbrochure EN

(0.83 MB)