HYDAC Netiquette For polite and respectful interactions online

In order to be innovative and customer-orientated in all that we do, we are reliant on a strong community that is full of new ideas, and the valuable input they provide. For this reason we are always pleased to see lively discussion and inspiration on our company’s social media pages. To ensure that our conversations online always remain civil, we ask you to observe our HYDAC Social Media Netiquette.

In the conversations we have, the following points are important to us:

  • respectful communication
  • tolerating other people’s opinions
  • constructive feedback
  • appropriate formality

In the event of the netiquette being breached, we reserve the right to delete individual posts and in individual cases to take action against them. If users severely or repeatedly breach the netiquette, we will report them to the operator of the respective network.

General information:

  • All users are individually responsible for the posts they publish. HYDAC accepts no liability for them.
  • We will immediately delete any content that is offensive, inciting of hatred, pornographic, inflammatory, adult or even criminal.
  • Discrimination or defamation is not tolerated and content alluding to this will be deleted immediately.
  • Do not post commercial or private offers of goods or services, election or political campaigns, calls to take part in demonstrations, campaigns or petitions. Content of this type will be removed immediately. The same applies to spam.

Comments and dialogue:

  • Automated or computer-generated comments (such as those posted by bots) will be removed and the poster will be blocked.
  • Please keep discussions civil. Inappropriate and/or offensive comments will not be tolerated.
  • Be sure to remain polite when engaging in dialogue. Do not provoke others with your comments and treat other people as you would like to be treated yourself. Bear in mind that you are communicating with real human beings, even online.
  • Always respect copyright. Before publishing content, you must ensure that you actually have the right to distribute the content.
  • Always respect the personal privacy of others and respect their rights regarding how their image is used.
  • Never publish personal data such as addresses or phone numbers.

Third-party content:

If posts link to external websites, the content of these websites will be inspected. In the event of our netiquette being breached, the post will be deleted.

Do you have any questions?

We try to answer your questions as quickly as possible. We ask for your understanding if we take some time to answer, as for some topics it may be necessary to coordinate internally with the relevant specialist department in order to provide an informed answer.