HYDAC filter elements with Quality Protection Opt for quality and protect your system

Lower cleanliness classes, reduced component protection, shorter service lives – these are just some of the consequences of using inferior copies of elements. The result is that safety of operation is put at risk, and machine availability is also affected. The reduced productivity leads to increased life cycle costs. Protect your machine and systems by using original HYDAC filter elements – available with our integrated anti-imitation Quality Protection.

Quality Protection – preventing system failure caused by imitation elements

Switching to third-party elements can have considerable consequencesBeware of imitations

Supposedly less expensive imitation elements often use cheaper materials. Simple paper is used in place of high-quality and multi-ply glass fiber media. This makes ultra-fine filtration with high separation values impossible. In practice, it has been shown that up to 20 times more contamination can enter the system through the filter compared with a standard element. The imitation filter's service life is also only half that of the original due to the inferior quality of the filter material. This means that elements have to be changed more frequently.
Imitations are also often not able to withstand low differential pressures and will quickly collapse – they are compressed until the contamination is able to break through. It then passes through to the clean side unhindered. Your components are no longer protected. This leads to malfunctions and sudden entire system failures. Opt for Quality Protection to safeguard the productivity of your machines and systems – integrated anti-imitation protection that ensures the excellent quality of original HYDAC filter elements.

Why you should only use original HYDAC filter elementsAssured cleanliness classes & high-quality component protection

Protect your components from wear and ensure that your system runs smoothly – HYDAC filter elements make it possible. Because perfect filter performance is only possible when the housing is used in conjunction with original replacement elements. With our filter elements, you can achieve the best cleanliness classes, even at very low differential pressures.

More information on HYDAC filter elements

Your advantages HYDAC filter elements with Quality Protection

Imitation filter elements lead to consequential damage and machine downtime, increasing your life cycle costs.

Reduced life cycle costs

Avoid damage to your machines and downtimes caused by inferior imitation elements.

Original filter elements enable stable processes and increase the overall operating safety.

Increased operating safety

Rely on assured cleanliness classes and long service lives – thanks to original filter elements from HYDAC.

High-quality component protection and the best cleanliness classes boost your system availability.

Increased system availability

Ensure high levels of productivity with high-quality component protection and top cleanliness classes.

Contacting HYDAC

Our experts are happy to advise you on the topic of filtration.

Contact us now