Extensive expertise in all types of power plant

Gas turbine power plants

Gas turbine power plants reliably cover peak demand in power grids. This type of power plant is characterised by fast start-ups (in minutes) and the ability to black start – resulting in high demands as regards system availability. On the basis of our expertise, we support you as a development partner and offer a comprehensive product range for the servicing of oil systems and balance of plant (BoP) tasks.

Steam turbine power plants

Steam turbine power plants continue to meet the largest share of the world’s electricity demand. Electricity production through hydraulic steam turbines enhances the efficiency of all power plants, from nuclear to geothermal power stations. Thanks to its expertise in turbine control and lubrication, HYDAC offers a whole range of possibilities for optimising plant operation. This enables you actively to conserve resources while cutting service costs over the long term.

Distributed power plants

Distributed power plants cope with acute energy requirements on the part of consumers. Environmentally sound combined heat and power units offer impressively low emission values. Gensets and emergency power generators reliably cover electricity needs, and are critical in the event of unplanned power outages. Team up with HYDAC to optimise your hydraulic components and auxiliary systems. In this way, you can reduce your long-term costs while permanently enhancing the reliability and effectiveness of your systems.

Expander generators

Expander generators and turboexpanders produce electricity from waste industrial heat, biomass and geothermal energy. In the field of renewable energies, this key property facilitates electricity production in Organic Ranking Cycles ('ORC'), cost-effectively and carbon neutral! Cut your resource consumption for the long term with our standardised and space-saving systems for bearing lubrication and hydraulic turbine control. Get on track for a greener future with our Air-X technology.

Sustainability and standardisation


HYDAC will work with you to devise an individual solution for the energy efficient operation of your power station. Standardisation through the retrofitting of energy-optimised components and systems offers significant potential for long-term cost savings. Reduce the thermal and energy load on your system – contact us now!

Sustainability and standardisation for power plants: Our product solutions

HYDAC turbine hydraulic systems

Learn more about our EHC-U product range: the standardised system solution for your auxiliary turbine system. 'Designed to cost' with individually selected, series produced hydraulic components: our EHC-U products are easy on the environment, and on your budget.

HYDAC bearing lubrication systems

Check out the advantages of our comprehensive range of standardised, modular and variably sized lubrication systems. Patented degassing technology for lubricants completes our innovative portfolio. Find the ideal solution for you to save system costs over the long term.

HYDAC diesel filtration modules

Discover our compact and efficient diesel filtration modules. Through specific application simulations, we adapt the performance of our modules to your individual requirements. Optimise the operation of your emergency power generators and gensets with dual fuel operation.

HYDAC oil/air cooler units

Our oil/air cooler units are especially well suited to distributed power plants. The modules have a compact and modular structure and are speed controlled. They run quietly and even fit on genset container roofs. Read more about our sustainable solutions.

Functional safety

To guarantee smooth operation, a power plant must conform to the highest safety standards. HYDAC is your point of contact for the successful implementation of legal safety regulations. In particular, we focus on analysing and modernising existing systems through the deployment of standardised product solutions and SIL-enabled components in accordance with IEC 61508 and IEC 61511.

Read more about functional safety

Functional safety for power plants:

HYDAC electrohydraulic safety control system

Excellent availability, ease of maintenance, high reliability ... our patented safety control system meets the stringent requirements of modern steam turbines according to IEC 61508 and IEC 61511. Stay on the safe side with HYDAC and learn more about EHC-S.

HYDAC electrohydraulic drive system

Our EHC-A has become indispensable to the control of gas or steam fittings in modern thermal power plants. Stand-alone operation is also possible with EHC-AA. Our electrohydraulic drives work with high precision; thanks to the HYDAC modular system, they are also highly cost-effective.

HYDAC directional poppet valve with position monitoring

With the safe control of gas turbines in mind, we developed a patented valve technology which can be deployed in central hydraulic systems. This can be relied on to provide reserves with a permissible pressure of up to 350 bar. Learn more about our WSER directional values with integrated sensor.

More information about HYDAC directional poppet valve

Balance of plant

Want to ensure smooth operation with short service intervals? We are your local point of contact for optimising system availability. Online monitoring of the main fluid parameters and the deployment of coordinated fluid conditioning systems are key elements when it comes to adjusting your service and maintenance times to optimum effect.

Balance of plant in power stations: Our product solutions

HYDAC dewatering unit FAM

Are greater fluid ageing caused by process steam and introduced humid ambient air impairing the proper functioning of your power plant and limiting the lubricity of your turbine bearings? Check out our range of modular dewatering systems. HYDAC FAM extends fluid service life, provides all-round care for your lubricating media and demonstrably increases system availability.

HYDAC Varnish Elimination Units

Our VEU range prepares mineral oil-based hydraulic oils in turbine control systems. It effectively removes oil ageing products (varnish), thereby improving fluid longevity. In particular, ease of service and the modular design combine to make our product unique. We will be pleased to advise you.

HYDAC ContaminationSensor Module Economy

Find out more about our compact and cost-effective online condition monitoring module system for optimum bearing lubrication in your gas and steam turbines. Our CSM-E ‘plug and play’ range delivers a major contribution to the long-term maintenance of your power plant.
