Fluid conditioning

Clean fluids are fundamental to reliable operation of a system. Many companies know this and place value on cleanly filled oil, fluid conditioning and fluid analysis. But when is a fluid really “clean”? What are the requirements on the cleanliness of a fluid?

Our experts will create a custom strategy for you to reduce your costs. Find out more!

HYDAC fluid conditioning – your system protection for hydraulic and lubrication

Challenge: system availability & component service lifeAchieve greater performance and safety of operation with the right strategy

Solid, fluid, gaseous and even gel-like contamination in hydraulic and lubrication systems leads to shorter fluid and component service lives, system failures and reduced system productivity.

This makes it all the more important to condition the fluid extensively while monitoring the oil condition.

Our solution: fluid conditioning 4.0Digitisation of processes in maintenance calls for smart solutions

For a system to be fully efficient and safe, it needs a sophisticated fluid conditioning strategy and continuous online monitoring. Only a holistic approach can permanently improve the state of the used fluids, significantly increase machine availability and decrease the operating costs (cost reductions of up to 30% are not uncommon).

HYDAC fluid units with smart sensors can create the required oil condition. Our portfolio focuses on sustainability and includes all the components and complete solutions needed to implement it – with the right product for every application.

Removal of solid particles

Firmly integrated into your system, offline units perform fine filtration and thus ensure continuously high oil cleanliness. As they provide optimal operating conditions, HYDAC units enable very cost-effective filtration – regardless of how your overall system is operated. Even in mobile use, whether it’s in service or for care and maintenance, our HYDAC solutions provide both offline filtration to systems and filtered filling and transfer of fluids. Thanks to tried-and-tested HYDAC sensors, your system can have optimal protection from the outset.

Explore our product portfolio for offline units for fine filtration

HYDAC filter elements Dimicron DM

Our HYDAC Dimicron series features a high contamination retention capacity. The structure and design of the elements enables a high flow rate – for high cleaning speeds and a constant level of cleanliness.

More about HYDAC Dimicron

HYDAC OffLine Filter OLF 5

Our compact HYDAC OffLine Filters of the OLF 5 series cover a great number of designs. Whether it’s with or without a motor-pump unit, as a tank installation variant or with integrated cleanliness class determination – we have just the right solution for any application.


HYDAC OffLine Filter OLF 15/30/45/60

Our HYDAC OffLine Filters of the OLF 15/30/45/60 series are robust off-line filters for stationary applications in hydraulic and lubrication systems with a large fluid volume. Optionally with integrated fluid monitoring. Find out more!


HYDAC service unit MobileFiltration Unit MFU 15

The MobileFiltration Unit MFU is used as a portable service unit for filling hydraulic systems, flushing small hydraulic systems and for cleaning in bypass flow. Optionally with integrated monitoring of the solid particle contamination in accordance with ISO4406.

HYDAC MobileFiltration Unit MFU 30-100 service unit

The units in the MobileFiltration Unit MFU-30 – 100 series are mobile service units for flow rates from 30-100 l/min. Particulate solid contamination and free water are removed via the filter elements, and the optional measuring technology helps with the continuous fluid monitoring. Wireless communication and connection to cloud portals enable integration into modern I4.0 environments.

HYDAC service unit FiltrationUnit OFX

As a portable service unit, our HYDAC FiltrationUnit OFX enables filling and draining of hydraulic systems. The 45 bar operating pressure also means it can be used to fill and vent supply circuits of hydrostatic transmission drives and work hydraulics in a closed circuit.

Separation of fluids and gases

From water to gas – depending on requirements, our HYDAC solutions use cutting-edge methods for separation. Whether it’s the vacuum method, coalescence method or superabsorber, our HYDAC solutions enable efficient separation of free and dissolved water, gases and air. Used in conjunction with efficient offline filtration, they give your hydraulic system optimal protection. We develop solutions that meet the specifications of system manufacturers.

3 tips for dewatering your fluids. Click here!

Our HYDAC solutions for dewatering and degassing your machine

HYDAC dewatering units

For separating free and dissolved water as well as gases: our FluidAqua Mobil series is highly economical thanks to the combination of the vacuum method and efficient offline filter element technology. Thanks to efficient separation, our unit ensures the lowest possible residual water content, gas content and particulate contamination for your operating fluids.

More information on HYDAC dewatering units

HYDAC Coalescer

HYDAC coalescers are used to separate free water. They work very efficiently and are also low-maintenance. They are suitable for hydraulic oils and lubrication oils with densities below 950 kg/m3.
The coalescers are also the ideal solution in situations where water continuously enters the system.

HYDAC filter solutions with integrated water separation (superabsorbents)

The high-quality Aquamicron filter elements are suitable for the efficient separation of solid contamination and also have the ability to absorb residual water from the fluid. This allows you to efficiently protect your system and fluids from contamination-related system failures and high operating costs with just one element.

Separation of oil degradation products

Because modern fluids have different basic oil properties, gel-like or even varnish-like deposits have become more common. In machines with high fluid loads in particular, this means an increase in new kinds of deposits, significantly changing how the oil deteriorates. A factor that dramatically reduces both the component service life and productivity.

To counter this, HYDAC can support you with efficient systems for separating oil degradation products. This means you can fully exploit your system’s potential and save valuable resources!

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For your hydraulic or lubricating oil applications: our HYDAC product range for separating varnish

HYDAC VarnishElimination Unit VEU-F

For the removal of solid or gel-like oil degradation products: the service-friendly VarnishElimination Units VEU are used to condition mineral oils. They are particularly effective at removing oil degradation products from mineral oils.

More about HYDAC VEU-F

HYDAC VarnishElimination Unit VEU-I

The easy-to-service ion exchange units of the VEU-I series are used for the preparation of phosphate-ester-based (HFD-R) flame-resistant hydraulic and lubrication fluids.
They effectively remove the acidic decomposition products arising from hydrolysis and/or oxidation of the fluid, and metal ions. Depending on the resin elements used, water contained in the HFD-R oil can be separated.

HYDAC is your partner for sophisticated fluid conditioning solutions How HYDAC fluid conditioning 4.0 can benefit you

Increase system availability thanks to filtration, dewatering & degassing

Increased system availability

Reduce system downtime with clever filtration, dewatering & degassing and increase your availability.


Save valuable resources with HYDAC

Conservation of resources

Extend the service life of your fluids and save valuable resources.

Cost optimisation thanks to HYDAC solutions

Cost optimisation

Thanks to reduced downtime, extended oil change intervals and increased component service lives, you can optimise your costs sustainably.

Increase system availability thanks to efficient filtration

Productivity increase

With efficient filtration, you can enhance the performance of your machines.

We work with you to increase the system availability in your industry Discover our components and systems

Hydraulic Presses & Other Forming Machines

Whether its ceramic presses, wine presses or forging presses or spinning machines and sheet metal bending machines - the requirements on hydraulic presses and forming machines are steadily increasing with regard to sustainable operation

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Power Generation

HYDAC: Your partner in optimising auxiliary processes relating to machinery

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Pulp & Paper Industry

HYDAC products for production that runs smoothly

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The right solution for every task

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