Benefit by investing in technical cleanliness How investing in technical cleanliness can benefit you in the long term

HYDAC makes it possible!

How investing in technical cleanliness can benefit you in the long termHYDAC makes it possible!

Modern drive techniques and greater power densities call for high-quality production of components and systems. This started in the automotive industry, but has since become an issue across industries. Although technical cleanliness is an important quality and process feature, if is often greatly underestimated. System failure and rejected parts are in many cases the result of inadequate technical cleanliness. But the high expenses that are incurred in optimising technical cleanliness can also not be simply dismissed. The reasons why it is nevertheless worthwhile in the long term are shown in the example of our long-standing customer.

Process reliability in all stepsConserve resources, increase service lives and still save money

Since 1963, HYDAC has inspired confidence as a contact that views its customers as partners. Our customer – an automotive supplier for drive and chassis technology – had come to appreciate this and turned to us in confidence. As the owner of a total of six industrial part washers, the customer changed cleaning fluids and filter elements every two weeks because of high cleanliness requirements. This resulted in enormously high consumption of resources. Despite the customer’s attempts, the specifications for technical cleanliness (0 particles >500 µm) could not be reliably complied with.

HYDAC Wombat – our product solution

Our customer’s aim was clear: consistent, defined cleanliness of the cleaning fluid across the fluid’s service life, so that the prescribed cleanliness values could be complied with reliably. At the same time, the service life of the cleaning fluid needed to be increased and costs and resources needed to be saved sustainably.

HYDAC got to work together with the customer. Following an initial analysis of the industrial part washer, we performed the first filter trials. The results of our trials with the HYDAC Wombat filter elements impressed the customer in terms of both quality and cost. The special property of the filter element is that it can retain large volumes of dirt with a high degree of separation.

HYDAC Wombat – success across the board

When the service lives were compared directly, our filters impressed instantly: two weeks for the competitor element, and as much as eight weeks for HYDAC Wombat. This reduced filter consumption and the time-consuming changing of filter elements, and cleaning fluid was saved. A valuable optimisation, which is both highly beneficial for the system’s productivity and sustainably increases its availability. The amount of particles with metallic shine in the bath was reduced from >800 µm to <150 µm, so our customer will be able to comply with the technical cleanliness specifications reliably from now on. This type of result was not feasible previously, despite frequent filter and bath changes.

The result

Is an investment in Wombat filter elements worthwhile? Yes, our customer was impressed with the wide-ranging advantages for its industrial part washers. The measures meant that the automotive supplier was able to save over 60% in fluid and filter costs. The expenses for the HYDAC solutions paid for themselves instantly.

The reliable compliance with the prescribed cleanliness values increased the duration of fluid use by three times, enabling annual media savings of €57,000 per system. As the filter service lives are four times longer, each system can use 130 fewer filter elements per year.

The industrial part washer as a whole also benefited from the new filter strategy. The reduced contamination of the industrial part washer to <40% reduces stress for the system components (e.g. valves, pumps) over the long term. The improved washing water quality led to a reduction in rejected parts – resulting in less need for rework. All in all, this brought about a CO2 saving of over 60% per year. 

Our customer’s case shows that technical cleanliness has an enormous impact on productivity. For this reason, investing in the optimisation of filter strategies is worthwhile for your system and your wallet. You too can benefit from collaboration with HYDAC – ask us about the long-term savings potential with our highly efficient filter systems.

Customer quote:

“I would never have thought that investing in optimising the filter strategy would pay off like this in the long term. But the HYDAC experts have convinced me. We can now produce reliably and save not only the time taken up by maintenance of the system, but also money.” 

Your advantages with the HYDAC product solution:

Conservation of resources

Conservation of resources

Save cleaning fluid and cleaning elements sustainably thanks to longer service lives.

Reducing costs

Cost optimisation

Reduce your costs in the long term by wisely investing in technical cleanliness.

System availability

System availability

Minimise failure and complaints by complying with specified cleanliness values.

Reduced rework

Benefit from an increase in quality and minimise rework and rejected parts.

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