About HYDAC Here to help since 1963

As an international group, we have a global network of expertise, quality standards and customer focus. In this way, we can meet the market’s strict requirements and support you as an expert partner in developing your tailored solution. Find out more about our company.

HYDAC – 50 international subsidiaries, one DNA

Founded in Saarland in 1963 as “Gesellschaft für Hydraulikzubehör” (Company for Hydraulics Accessories) and run as a family company, HYDAC has never stopped improving. HYDAC now has 50 international subsidiaries , roughly 500 sales and service partners, 14 product lines and around 10,000 employees worldwide.

Rely on HYDAC’s expertise in hydraulics, systems and fluid engineering. We are committed to providing all-inclusive solutions that span industrial sectors and are sustainable and above all customer-oriented. We are not theorists – with comprehensive understanding of the industry, we develop systems that will stand the test of time. For you and with you.

Welcome to HYDAC A/S

HYDAC A/S is a hydraulics company that is experiencing great growth in the market. But that's why we still make time for all our stakeholders, whether it's customers, suppliers or others who want to get to know us better.

We hope that you find what you are looking for on our website and should you need further information about us, our products or systems, please feel free to contact us. It can be done via email or phone call, we would also very much like to arrange a meeting if there is a need for this.  

You will find all our contact information here on the website under contact

At HYDAC A/S, it is our ambition to give everyone a good service – and we look forward to showing you!

Happy reading,

Jens Haugaard


HYDAC A/S' history and organisation

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Insight & Outlook

HYDAC A/S works with the management philosophy "Insight and Outlook".

HYDAC A/S has illustrated the concept with the drawing of two people, where one looks out through a hole and the other looks in through another hole.
In connection with the Prince Consort's visit in 2013, when HYDAC International celebrated its 50th birthday, HYDAC A/S has had the artist Moseholm design this management philosophy into a statue located in the reception in Langeskov.

The thinking behind "Insight and Vision" is the balance between looking into the organization - to be able to create improvements and changes, to achieve the set strategic goals, while focusing on vision. Vision is important to focus on the world outside HYDAC A/S, so that we adapt in line, and preferably at the forefront, with market demand and the external factors we are not able to influence ourselves.

At HYDAC A/S, we believe that the balance between "Insight and Outlook", as well as communication thereof, can create the necessary conditions to be able to adapt the organization to the right extent and time.

HYDAC A/S' mission and vision


HYDAC A/S designs, manufactures, delivers and services high-quality products, systems and services that improve our customers' sustainability and overall economy.


HYDAC A/S has a vision that;

  • We want to be the preferred partner for our customers and suppliers
  • We want to be "the state of the art" company for our employees
  • We will live out all our values in all our actions
  • We will gain acceptance of our "Hydraulic Solutions Worldwide"
  • We want to be a company in the HYDAC organization that is worth following

HYDAC A/S' culture

HYDAC A/S is a "state of the art" company for our employees, and this characterizes everything we do for our colleagues. HYDAC A/S is a workplace that employees are proud of and that gives them challenges, experiences and energy. HYDAC A/S is also a company known to the outside world as a good and innovative workplace and partner.

HYDAC A/S' culture is created on the basis of our values and the right employees. Many of our employees call it a HYDAC spirit that they feel every day they come to work. It is incredibly difficult to describe a HYDAC spirit in words. It is an experience you get when you as a guest visit HYDAC A/S, or you as a new employee start at HYDAC A/S. The words that can best describe a HYDAC spirit are kindness, smiles, joy, fun, helpfulness, openness and honesty.

HYDAC A/S has tried to gather all the initiatives and initiatives that the company does and stands for in a small booklet, which we call the cultural profile. All employees at HYDAC A/S have the latest copy of the cultural profile, and all live up to the company's values and contribute to the good atmosphere that permeates the organization. The good atmosphere at the workplace also contributes to HYDAC A/S being among the top of "Great Place to Work" in Denmark for several years in a row. Our certification can be found at the bottom of this page.

You can also find and read HYDAC A/S' cultural profile (Danish). Happy reading.

HYDAC A/S' values

In 2007, HYDAC A/S introduced the leading values on which our business today is based. All values were described and discussed by all managers and employees. The values are an invaluable part of everyday life at HYDAC A/S today, and are lived in all our actions.

HYDAC A/S chose in 2013 to have the values illustrated. By having drawings of HYDAC A/S' values prepared, the values were made more vivid in everyday life and made visible in the house. Values never changed. The project turned into the following 8 inspiring drawings.

HYDAC A/S' fitters have had one of these values printed on the back of their workwear. Each fitter chooses which value drawing he or she wants to wear, and is thus a visible messenger of our values.

HYDAC A/S has the values illustrated in different ways around the company, so that we always remember to live out our values and remember each other about them.


HYDAC Partner & Supplier

The HYDAC Partner & Supplier work method is based on differentiated cooperation with our individual customers. HYDAC A/S collaborates with many different customers, within a wide range of different industries, and at very different levels. Our approach to collaboration is characterized by an awareness that different customers have different needs. We seek to cover these needs in the best possible way through the way our organization is structured, as well as the qualifications that characterize the different parts of the organization.

HYDAC A/S has therefore adapted the sales organization to meet our customers with a differentiated approach. Our sales organization is therefore divided not only based on a principle of proximity, but also on the basis of our customers' need for interaction with their suppliers. Thus, the depth and breadth of cooperation can be adapted to our customers' needs, with maximum mutual value creation as a result.

Of course, we also work on the supplier side, which is why our suppliers are carefully selected according to their ability to meet our and our customers' needs. We continuously evaluate and develop the collaboration so that the value of this is always top notch.


Business models

At HYDAC A/S, we illustrate and describe our business areas based on seven different business models, each with a specific value proposition for our customers.

Each of the business models has a symbol that makes them easily recognizable, and in addition, each of the models is illustrated graphically in a process drawing.

Business code


Being a globally active group of companies, we see it as a matter of course to act according to the same basic principles on the market all over the world with responsibility towards the environment and society. For this reason we are certified, with re-certifications performed at regular intervals.

The business code below lays down minimum requirements on this basis, which can be supplemented to suit national needs.

  1. Relevant existing laws and other national and international regulations form the natural fundamentals for our action.
  2. We take account of the relevant social, cultural and political boundary conditions.
  3. For us, human dignity rules out any kind of discrimination, force or harassment. It also means that workers should be free to join associations and to exercise this right within the framework of applicable legal provisions.
  4. The applicable regulations with regard to protection of minors, labour protection and health protection are an imperative and postulation for us to put these human rights into practice.
  5. Confidentiality is a central prerequisite for fair and partnership-based cooperation. This includes respect for the privacy of each individual, including their personal data.
  6. We stand by the principles of a free market economy and hence by open and fair competition. We neither engage in nor tolerate any form of corruption or other improper influence over others’ freedom to make decisions.
  7. We develop and produce safe and reliable quality products with a view to efficient and sustainable future viability.
  8. In compliance with national and international environmental standards, we avoid adverse impact on the environment, observe requirements regarding the origin of raw materials and use resources responsibly and efficiently to contribute to sustainable development.
  9. We give employees and other interested third parties confidential access to a process for reporting potential breaches of these principles.
  10. Independently of any legal obligations, we expect our business partners to comply on their part with the fundamental guidelines of these principles and to actively ensure that their own business partners also comply with these guidelines and respect them.
    We will not cooperate with persons, companies or institutions, of whom or which we know that they do not observe minimum standards.

Download HYDAC Business Code

Status: 06/2022
