About HYDAC Here to help since 1963

As an international group, we have a global network of expertise, quality standards and customer focus. In this way, we can meet the market’s strict requirements and support you as an expert partner in developing your tailored solution. Find out more about our company.

HYDAC – 50 international subsidiaries, one DNA

Founded in Saarland in 1963 as “Gesellschaft für Hydraulikzubehör” (Company for Hydraulics Accessories) and run as a family company, HYDAC has never stopped improving. HYDAC now has 50 international subsidiaries, roughly 500 sales and service partners, 14 product lines and around 10,000 employees worldwide.

Rely on HYDAC’s expertise in hydraulics, systems and fluid engineering. We are committed to providing all-inclusive solutions that span industrial sectors and are sustainable and above all customer-oriented. We are not theorists – with comprehensive understanding of the industry, we develop systems that will stand the test of time. For you and with you.

HYDAC – driving and experiencing innovation

Constantly facing new challenges, we have never stopped developing our portfolio. In Germany alone, more than 900 of our engineers in the areas Fluid and Engineering work with you to create energy-efficient, reliable and low-waste solutions. Our new patent applications are testimony to our feel for innovation.

An international network, with local roots

We speak your language and are aware of the challenges on the ground. HYDAC provides a network of international and local specialists. This helps us to develop tailored solutions for and with our customers, adapted to suit your regional requirements.

Sustainability in practice

For all our technologies and developments, we focus not only on the here and now, but also on the future. Beyond the legal requirements, we use renewable energy at our sites. At the same time, we value regionality – with our 50 HYDAC subsidiaries and more than 500 sales and service partners worldwide, we are in close contact with our customers and keep our delivery routes short.

Creating value since 1963


Unsere Kunden sind unser Motor. Sie geben uns den Antrieb uns immer weiter zu entwickeln. Deswegen stehen sie im Fokus all unserer Entscheidungen. Bei der Zusammenarbeit setzen wir dabei besonders auf Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe sowie Transparenz.


Wissbegierig, zukunftsorientiert und weitsichtig: HYDAC ist immer am Puls der Zeit und mittlerweile in mehr als 14 Produktbereichen weltweit vertreten. Wir stellen uns gespannt neuen Herausforderungen, stets gewappnet mit den Erfahrungen der Vergangenheit.


Wir bleiben in Bewegung. Wie unsere Produkte, welche wir stets an neuste An- und Herausforderungen anpassen, sind auch wir es, die sich stetig transformieren. Mit der Zukunft fest im Blick und dem Wissen der Vergangenheit, reagieren wir flexibel auf unsere Umwelt.


Seit über 50 Jahren sind wir Entwicklungspartner unserer Kunden. Dabei setzen wir auf umfangreiche Tests und Simulationen, um zuverlässige Technologien zu entwickeln, die optimal auf Ihre Anforderungen zugeschnitten sind. So entstehen Produkte und Dienstleistungen, die höchste Sicherheitsstandards und Qualitätsansprüche erfüllen.


Vom saarländischen Familienunternehmen zum internationalen Unternehmensverbund – dazu gehört eine große Portion Mut. Der Mut Bestehendes zu hinterfragen, Denkmuster aufzubrechen und Neues zu schaffen. Denn nur, wenn wir unkonventionelles wagen, bleiben wir am Puls der Zeit.


Unser Unternehmergeist spornt uns an, langfristig die effizienteste und wirtschaftlichste Lösung für Sie zu finden: Denn Ihr Erfolg ist auch unserer. Gemeinsam stellen wir uns den Anforderungen des Marktes – immer unter der Prämisse, dass unsere Produkte für Sie langfristig eine attraktive Investition darstellen.

Wir sind eine Familie

Als Familienbetrieb sind wir stolz auf unser starkes Team. Aus diesem Grund leben wir nach einer Maxime: Verantwortungsvoll handeln. Denn wir legen viel Wert auf unseren Zusammenhalt. Ob durch vielzählige Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten, Freizeitangebote oder die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie.

Business code


Being a globally active group of companies, we see it as a matter of course to act according to the same basic principles on the market all over the world with responsibility towards the environment and society. For this reason we are certified, with re-certifications performed at regular intervals.

The business code below lays down minimum requirements on this basis, which can be supplemented to suit national needs.

  1. Relevant existing laws and other national and international regulations form the natural fundamentals for our action.
  2. We take account of the relevant social, cultural and political boundary conditions.
  3. For us, human dignity rules out any kind of discrimination, force or harassment. It also means that workers should be free to join associations and to exercise this right within the framework of applicable legal provisions.
  4. The applicable regulations with regard to protection of minors, labour protection and health protection are an imperative and postulation for us to put these human rights into practice.
  5. Confidentiality is a central prerequisite for fair and partnership-based cooperation. This includes respect for the privacy of each individual, including their personal data.
  6. We stand by the principles of a free market economy and hence by open and fair competition. We neither engage in nor tolerate any form of corruption or other improper influence over others’ freedom to make decisions.
  7. We develop and produce safe and reliable quality products with a view to efficient and sustainable future viability.
  8. In compliance with national and international environmental standards, we avoid adverse impact on the environment, observe requirements regarding the origin of raw materials and use resources responsibly and efficiently to contribute to sustainable development.
  9. We give employees and other interested third parties confidential access to a process for reporting potential breaches of these principles.
  10. Independently of any legal obligations, we expect our business partners to comply on their part with the fundamental guidelines of these principles and to actively ensure that their own business partners also comply with these guidelines and respect them.
    We will not cooperate with persons, companies or institutions, of whom or which we know that they do not observe minimum standards.

Download HYDAC Business Code

Status: 06/2022

Supply chain due diligence

Declaration of Principles (LkSG)

As a globally operating company, it is a matter of course for us to act responsibly towards human rights and the environment with the same basic principles on the market worldwide. The Group’s management teams are therefore responsible for implementing these values. This ensures that human rights and environmental concerns are implemented in every area of the group of companies and along the supply chain. 

We also see it as our duty to continuously optimize our measures for sustainable action. 

For this purpose, we use our risk management system and analyze human rights and environmental processes and their risks. If we identify violations of these values, we take appropriate measures to counteract them. 

The risk analysis is carried out as an ongoing process during the financial year, monitored by the Human Rights Officer and evaluated annually by the Group’s management teams. Our complaints system can be used by both external parties and employees to draw attention to risks, in particular of a human rights and environmental nature. 

The values that govern the global group of companies are based on national and international standards and are also reflected in our Business Code.

Download HYDAC Declaration of Principles for Supply chain due diligence
